OGP as a collaborative space where governments and civil society unite to create national action plans that make governments more inclusive, responsive, and accountable.
Autor: Julio Herrera | jherrera@redciudadana.org.gt | 08/09/2023

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As a representative of Red Ciudadana, I recently had the privilege to participate in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit held in Estonia #OGPEstonia. For those unfamiliar, OGP is a multi-stakeholder initiative to ensure open government, which means transparent, accountable, and participative governance. In simple terms, think of OGP as a collaborative space where governments and civil society unite to create national action plans that make governments more inclusive, responsive, and accountable.

So, what does this mean for Guatemala? And why should you care?

  1. The Power of Digital Governance:
    Estonia showcased how technology can reshape governance. Their e-governance model provides a roadmap for nations like ours. Imagine a Guatemala where you can interact digitally with government bodies, from starting a business to accessing public services – that's the potential we're talking about!
  2. Strengthening the Backbone of Democracy - Civil Society:
    A vibrant, protected civil society ensures that voices from all corners of Guatemala are heard, and our nation's governance reflects our collective will.
  3. Shielding the Messengers:
    Journalism, a pillar of democracy, is under threat in many nations. Guatemala progresses, supporting and protecting our journalists ensures a society where truth prevails.
  4. Riding the Wave of Tech-led Democracy:
    Tech isn't just for apps and games. The collaboration between Estonia, Ukraine, and USAID shows how digital platforms can revolutionize governance. Guatemala stands at the threshold of such advancements. We can create a more transparent and efficient governance system by tapping into these technologies.

    In essence, the OGP Summit was more than a gathering – it was a summit of ideas, a celebration of democratic values, and a testament to the power of collaboration. For Guatemala, it signifies potential. Potential to foster a system where governance is transparent, civil society thrives, and each citizen feels valued and heard.

    Let's embrace the OGP spirit and shape a brighter, more open future for Guatemala.

    #Guatemala #OpenGovernment #RedCiudadana
    #Guatemala #GobiernoAbierto #AlianzaGobiernoAbierto #Co-creation
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